The compatible SYSTEM components and the wide range of accessory make LSYSTEM®.de a very flexible rack system at the POS.


One rack system - many versions. The standardised store shelves LSYSTEM®.de Raster 25 + 50 mm individually adapt the presentation possibilities to the goods to be presented. Altering the store shelves is done in no time. All standard components are constantly available from stock and can be supplied within 48 hours. The same applies to the colors RAL 7016, 7035, 9001 and 9006.

The LSYSTEM®.de MultiRack as freestanding central rack without back panel additionally offers new presentation possibilities and is especially interesting due its cost and space advantages. Voluminous articles can be pushed through the shelf.

LSYSTEM®.de is rounded off by an extensive range of add-on parts and accessories, which is suitable for every application at the POS. This means that every customer requirement at the POS can be met by an individual combination. All components are TÜV and ISO certified and thus comply with the latest standards.



For the optimum space utilization of the shelves Lüning Ladenbau designed LSYSTEM®.de Raster 25. The modern, compatible rack system allows up to 20% more presentation space per one shelf metre due to the fine raster. Raster 25 means that the shelf boards can be fixed in the rack in distances of 25 mm (Raster).

The boards can be placed closer together, the position of the shelves is therefore more adjustable. The rack system allows more space for goods. Price rails can run along several shelves. On the whole, the appearance of the rack supports is more pleasant because they are not slotted.

The LSYSTEM®.de Raster 25 is a very economic rack system which enables the customer ro manage and optimize the space rentability per shelf metre even more exactly.


For the classic presentation requirements Lüning Ladenbau provides LSYSTEM®.de Raster 50. The customers thus use a very economical, compatible and flexible rack system for all applications on the sales floor. Raster 50 means that the shelves can be positioned in the rack at intervals of 50 mm (grid).

LSYSTEM®.de Raster 50 is suitable for all groups of products and goods. Whether standing, hanging or lying, the products achieve their best possible effect on the shelf. The LSYSTEM®.de Raster 50 can also be equipped with cross-shelf price rails. The appearance of the rack supports is more attractive because they are not slotted.

With this very flexible standard rack, the customer receives a well thought-out and proven rack system that meets all requirements on the sales floor.




The LSYSTEM®.de MultiRack is a highly flexible central rack system. It can also be used without back panel - an advantage regarding cost and space. Large-volume articles, for example, can be pushed through the shop shelf.

The MultiRack offers following advantages:
• Stability even without back panels
• Larger product presentation area in depth and of bulk products beyond the centre
• Design of back panel on request (grid, sheet metal, perforated panel, acrylic glass, wood)
• Fixture for 25 + 50 mm Raster
• Integrated holder for promotion signs and lables

The LSYSTEM®.de MultiRack is a highly flexible piece of centre furniture for the customer being an eye catcher for a department or for special presentations due to its pleasant appearance.



LSYSTEM®.de owes its high flexibility and adaptability to its wide range of add-on parts and accessory. Together with our customers new ideas for accessory are consistently being developed and designed. This results in an ongoing extension of the program.

The range of accessory consists of a large number of components for the rack systems, for the specification of the shelf equipment as well as for shelf, assortment, product and price labelling.

The identical components which fit on the columns and rack supports of Raster 25 + 50 are an immense advantage of LSYSTEM®.de. The customer therefore does not need double stocks, is completely flexible in use and can implement changes quickly and easily with one and the same component.


A special feature of LSYSTEM®.de is the scanning rail developed by us. This component is compatible with all LSYSTEM®.de shelves and with those of TEGO and EDEN.

The scanning rail offers following advantages: CROSS-SHELF - the product labelling is possible at any place. Placing pf products INDEPENDENT FROM AXLE MEASUREMENT. EASY FITTING of LED lighting. ADJUSTABLE in the height 22 to 80 mm and thus optimum viewing angle, no matter at what height the shelf is fitted.

With the scanning rail, the customer receives a component that is optimally matched to the shelving situation and which is used by both the sales staff and the end customer.




A further important feature of LSYSTEM®.de is the construction of the rack support (for Raster 25 + 50) and its advantages. The narrow front design of the support allows a better space utilization between the boards. The rack support allows an invisible cable duct and the fitting of additional accessories.

The wider back design of the support provides a more solid appareance of the complete rack and guarantees higher load capacity and stability. The LSYSTEM®.de store shelves reach the highest load capacity values in comparision with others, which is constantly being proven by independent tests.

The rack supports of LSYSTEM®.de are referred to as the "most beautiful" rack supports in the market and thus provide the highest functionality for the traders and the end user in daily life.


LSYSTEM®.de provides an extraordinarily wide range of colours - various RAL colours at your choice - fast and inexpensively. From now on we offer a wide range of colours at a fixed price!

Highest flexibility: our modern coating plant guarantees a supply of coloured shopfitting components within 10 days. Best conditions: at your fixed price you receive a high-quality Epoxy coating according to RAL. No minimum purchase!

In addition to our core competence in metal processing, we naturally also integrate other materials such as wood, glass or acrylic into the rack systems for our customers.

  • Extremely easy to assemble
  • All common RAL colors available
  • Unique price-performance-ratio
  • "Made in Germany" - development and design
  • Individual design
  • High stock availability and fast delivery
  • Completely TÜV and ISO certified

Even placement of goods on shelves, horizontally on one level.


Upper shelves never to be deeper than the depth of the fitted foot elements!


Uneven placement of goods on shelves, vertically on one level. Concentrated load may cause breakage.


Lüning Ladenbau GmbH
Vornholzstrasse 1-5
D 33449 Langenberg


T +49 5248 82240
F +49 5248 822422
M i

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Lüning Ladenbau GmbH
Vornholzstrasse 1-5
33449 Langenberg
Vertreten durch:  Geschäftsführer / Managing Director:
Philipp Rieländer, Axel Langejürgen
Fon: +49 5248 8224-0

Fax: +49 5248 8224-22
Registereintrag:  Eintragung im Handelsregister.
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Gütersloh
Gerichtsstand: Rheda-Wiedenbrück
Registernummer: HRB 5636
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a
USt-Ident-Nr.: DE126784474

Sparkasse Gütersloh-Rietberg              
IBAN: DE69 4785 0065 0030 0006 99                
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General terms of sale, delivery and payment

§ 1 Validity of the terms
The deliveries, services and offers of Messrs. Lüning Ladenbau GmbH (the Company) are made solely on the basis of these terms of trade. They thus also apply to all business transactions in the future, even if they are not expressly agreed again. These terms are regarded as accepted at the latest upon receipt of the goods or services. The customer's counter-confirmations which refer to its purchasing conditions or terms of trade are hereby contradicted. All agreements made between the Company and the customer for the purpose of executing the contract must be recorded in writing.

§ 2 Offers and conclusion of contract
The Company's offers are non-binding and without obligation. Declarations of acceptance and all orders must be confirmed by the Company in writing or by fax to be legally effective. The quality of the object of contract is described solely in the Company's offer, its confirmation of order and the associated documents, without this representing a guarantee in the sense of § 443 BGB. If the customer orders metal components made by a certain firm, the Company is entitled to deliver adequate goods of equivalent value made by another firm.

§ 3 Prices
Unless stated otherwise, the Company is bound by the prices stated in its offer for 30 days from the date of issue. Otherwise the prices quoted in the Company's confirmation of order are decisive, to which value-added tax will be added at the prevailing rate. Additional supplies and services shall be invoiced separately. Unless agreed otherwise, the prices are FOB stores (place) including normal packaging.

§ 4 Delivery dates
Delays are not detrimental for the Company if the customer fails to comply with its duties of cooperation or does so too late, in particular if it does not arrange for official approvals, execution plans and specification documents for the object of contract, or clarify all technical details and make the agreed down payments. If, after conclusion of contract, there is reason to believe that the customer's financial situation is endangered, such as in case of default or stoppage of payments or an application to open insolvency proceedings etc., the Company is entitled to refuse performance and, after fruitlessly setting a deadline for the provision of securities, to withdraw from the contract and/or demand damages. No deadline needs to be set if the customer's financial situation is obviously precarious. The delivery dates confirmed by the Company are non-binding dispatch dates. The Company has the right to make part-deliveries, if feasible, and also to deliver ahead of schedule after providing appropriate information in advance. The customer can first set the Company a period of grace to deliver after the agreed delivery date has been exceeded by more than two weeks. This period of grace must be reasonable and amount to at least three weeks. After the period of grace has expired fruitlessly, the customer can withdraw from the contract. Claims to damages against the Company due to an infringement of obligation are excluded, unless these concern liability for the loss of life, physical injuries or harm to health: See § 309 Item 7a) BGB.

§ 5 Transfer of risk
Risk is transferred to the customer as soon as the shipment is handed over to the agent conducting the transport or leaves the Company's stores for the purpose of dispatch. If the shipment is delayed due to culpability on the part of the purchaser, risk is transferred to it upon notification of readiness to dispatch.

§ 6 The customer's rights for defects/liability
The products are supplied free from manufacturing and material defects. In the case of sales, the deadline for pursuing claims to defects is one year from delivery of the products, in the case of work contracts, the legal provisions apply. The agreed quality of the object of contract owed by the Company is regulated exclusively by the contractual agreements made with the customer is not derived from any other commercial statements, brochures, discussions or the like. No warranty, such as in the sense of § 443 BGB, is associated with such. Only express agreements of quality are binding for the Company. These do not release the customer from the duty of making its own inspections. The Company is liable for defects, to the total exclusion of all further claims, as follows:
a)The customer is obliged to carefully inspect the object of contract without delay after receipt and, if necessary, make spot checks. Defects must be notified in writing without delay, although at the latest within 8 days of receipt, specifying the reasons for the complaint. The purchased item or works shall be properly stored until inspected by the Company and not returned unless expressly requested by the Company.
b)Defects which cannot be recognised immediately, even after careful inspection, must be reported to the Company in the same manner without delay after their discovery.
c) The customer must give the Company the opportunity to inspect and check an allegedly defective object of contract.
d)The Company gives no warranty for improper use and treatment of the object of contract. Warranty claims furthermore lapse if the object of contract is damaged or destroyed by improper handling or storage after the transfer of risk. Instructions and guidelines issued by the Company for the purchased item must be observed, otherwise warranty claims of all kinds lapse.
e)Defects are rectified by rework or replacement deliveries at the Company's discretion. The customer must grant sufficient time and opportunity for the defect to be rectified. If this is refused, warranty claims of all kinds lapse. If subsequent fulfilment fails several times, the customer can withdraw from the contract or demand a reduction in price. Further-going claims against the Company or its representatives are excluded, regardless of whatever their legal basis, unless the Company has at least acted with gross negligence, with malice aforethought or physical injuries occur: See § 390 Item 7a BGB.
f)No warranty exists for special manufactures made to order or for the customer's calculations or design documents, insofar as these are the cause of defects.

§ 7 Reservation of title
Until all claims (including all balance claims from current accounts) accrued by the Company against the customer for whatever legal reason now or in the future have been fulfilled, the Company is granted the following securities, which it will release on request at its own discretion insofar as their value exceeds the claims over the long-term by more than 20%: The goods remain the Company's property. Goods are always reprocessed or transformed on behalf of the Company as the manufacturer, although without any obligation for the Company. If the Company's (co-)ownership lapses due to amalgamation, it is agreed even now that the customer's (co-)ownership to the uniform item is assigned to the Company proportionate to value (invoice value). The customer shall safeguard the Company's (co-)ownership at no charge. Goods to which the Company accrues (co-)ownership are referred to below as reserved goods. The customer is entitled to reprocess and resell the reserved goods in regular business transactions, as long as it is not in default. Pledging or collateral assignments are inadmissible. For the purpose of security, the customer even now assigns the claims it accrues from reselling the reserved goods (including all balance claims from current accounts) or for any other legal reason (insurance, illicit actions) to the Company in their full scope. The Company revocably authorises the customer to collect the claims assigned to the Company in the customer's own name and for own account. This authorisation of collection will not be revoked unless the customer does not properly meet its payment obligations. In case of third party interventions against the reserved goods, in particular seizures, the customer shall refer to the Company's ownership and inform the Company without delay, so that this can pursue its rights of ownership. If the third party is unable to recompense the Company for the judicial or extrajudicial costs incurred in this context, the customer is liable for these. If the customer is guilty of an infringement of contract – in particular default of payment – the Company is entitled to withdraw from the contract and demand that the reserved goods be returned.

§ 8 Delayed acceptance
If the customer is definitively no longer prepared to fulfil the contract, the Company is entitled to demand 25 % of the order sum as damages. The pursuit of further-going damages (e.g. recompense for expenses already incurred) is reserved. The customer has the right to demonstrate that the losses were lower.

§ 9 Applicable law, place of jurisdiction, partial invalidity
German law shall prevail over these terms of trade and the complete legal relationships between the Company and customer. The provisions of UN commercial law do not apply. Insofar as the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a public law special trust, the Company's head office (place) is the sole place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from the contractual relationship. Should a provision in these terms of trade or a provision made in some other agreement be or become unworkable, this shall not affect the workability of all the remaining provisions or agreements.

Company/stamp Place/date

Road/town Signature